Girl Pride Auditions

Girl Pride Auditions

We will be performing at Girl Pride again this year on June 6, 2024!

Due to recent weather, auditions will be held via video submission due March 31, 2024.

Click here for the details and application!

Audition submission list:

  • Application
  • 3+ minute video of choreography to music on apparatus of your choice
    • you can submit more than one video if you would like to show multiple apparatuses
  • photo of front split on the floor (either side)
  • video of a mount to hammock or bar apparatus
    • rigged height of 1′ above your head
    • flare mount preferred
  • video of basic or russian climb to top on fabric then aerial invert

SAFETY NOTE: Please do not attempt any skill you do not know or are not able to do. If you can’t do something on the list above, then please skip that part. You will still be considered.